Questions?    Just call me, Corinne (English/German) on  +49 173 1688006    ***  Virtual Tea Break ***  “Very British”


Experts Speak English PODCAST

Artificial Intelligence - The Communication Behind a Successful & Strategic Implementation #180

Sarah Cornett's Communication For Successful AI Implementation Artificial Intelligence is not new but it is rarely being implemented strategically - more of a pray and spray approach. In this show I interview Sarah Cornett - a US based AI Consultant about the communication padding around a successful strategic implementation of Artificial Intelligence and which obstacles we can avoid. #KI #AI #artificialintelligence

Artificial Intelligence Strategy Framework.

Kindly contributed by Sarah Cornett. This provides you with a step by step strategy to follow. If you feel overwhelmed by the pure magnitude of AI tools or have data concerns then reach out to Sarah for her consultancy support.

VIDEO – You might prefer to watch the interview instead >>> (Work In Progress)

Coco's Communication Challenge

Connect with Sarah Cornett on LinkedIn and sign up for her AI newsletter on LinkedIn, to continue to be up to date.

Sarah and I are considering organising a virtual AI Barcamp where there will be a combination of hands on testing, demonstrations in addition to strategy sessions from market leaders that our taking advantage of AI to secure a competitive advantage – with a focus on innovation and productivity not restructuring.

Business Fluency Booster via WhatsApp

What’s a Business English Fluency Boost?
It’s a quick business conversation activity via WhatsApp.

Being able to express yourself with confidence in English takes practice, ideally with a native speaker. But who has the time for ‘lessons’?

An expert like yourself has enough to do without having to find time for Business English sessions, so this approach is a lot more flexible and accessible.

I give you business communication challenges via WhatsApp and I give you PERSONAL AND INDIVIDUAL feedback. At €79 per month it is an affordable (tax deductible) solution.

Don’t let your English
get in the way of your success!

Virtual Tea Break

Let's find out how I can help you to achieve your career goals by focusing on your business communication and leadership

(English or German)

a torn paper written with inscription know-how on a blue background