Questions?    Just call me, Corinne (English/German) on  +49 173 1688006    ***  Virtual Tea Break ***  “Very British”


Grab your corporate communication checklist!

I have put together a checklist for you based on my top 150 corporate communication tips, so that you can evaluate your performance and see at a glance what you need to focus on. I suggest focusing on one thing a week and being observant of the changes in your relationship with others on an ongoing basis.

You’ll also start to receive my newsletter, which is 80% information, including vocabulary bonuses to go with each podcast episode, that way you not only hear and recognise business vocabulary but will start actually using those words yourself ,

when your vocabulary starts to expand quickly.

You’ll be the first to find out and sign up for a new product or service, before I share anything on social media
(Linkedin & Instagram) and of course some juicy special offers.

You can expect newsletters about once every 10 days.

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