#180 Artificial Intelligence – The Communication Behind a Successful & Strategic Implementation
Experts Speak English PODCAST Artificial Intelligence – The Communication Behind a Successful & Strategic Implementation
Questions? Just call me, Corinne (English/German) on +49 173 1688006 *** Virtual Tea Break *** “Very British”
Whether you enjoy reading or listening more, knowledge is certainly going to single you out as the expert. So here are the four books that I can recommend you to read about leadership and communication
By Michael Port & Andrew Davis
By L. David Marquet
Take a book that you have read and re-read it by looking at the marked sections. Find yourself a space where you won’t be disturbed, get yourself a nice cup of tea or a glass of wine and go through what you have marked.
Make some notes on the left of the page and on the right, there is space for action points.
Choose a colleague or friend who is interested in the same topics or who has read the same book and arrange to meet them to chat about their take aways and action points.
Keep each other accountable with a simple weekly call or whatsapp check in to turn knowledge into capabilities and skills.
Talk your way into an international career without the bullshit!
The following instructions are for an iphone.
For years I have been an advocate of reinforcing learning through additional little learning activities that are quick and easy to do from your Smartphone and WhatsApp has been my go to solution for over 10 years now. Here’s an idea of what to expect…
Vocabulary quizzes – Conversation prompts – Business Scenarios to Solve – Grammar How to Videos – Pronunciation Exercises – Articles to read/listen to
At a time and place to suit YOU
As your native speaking coach, I’m providing you with exactly the right learning incentives to boost your fluency, based on your own job, responsibilities, interests and learning styles.
Join our mailing list for communication insights in English that get you noticed at work.
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And get a taste of what it’s like to become an English Speaking Expert.
Experts Speak English PODCAST Artificial Intelligence – The Communication Behind a Successful & Strategic Implementation
Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR can boost your employer brand, encouraging your experts to make that arduous time consuming commute into the office or indeed another location. Being together though is the name of the game – not just for the sake of it, or for controlling purposes but a common goal. That’s also a great way to watch your top talent in action on various Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives whilst building a stronger employer brand.