Questions?    Just call me, Corinne (English/German) on  +49 173 1688006    ***  Virtual Tea Break ***  “Very British”


Teambuilding Events

Let's get some of that team spirit back again.

We all realise now that meeting people face to face has a different dynamic to meeting online. That’s why if you are based in or near Berlin you can take advantage of these in person activities.


To boost employer loyalty, engage dynamic team members
with teambuilding that is fun, sociable and unique

Easy, enjoyable and international


To boost learning effectiveness, I’ll get your team away from their desks and through experiential learning from Wurdinger and Carlson (2010). Most of the activities that we do together include

  • hands-on learning
  • facilitating problem-solving processes (challenges, geocaching, games to go) 
  • career & job specific challenges discussed on the go
  • team building interaction and analysis of the issues being raised
  • sharing and being compassionate about concrete experiences

Get your team away from distractions and responsibilities – for a fresh perspective.


Being in nature makes it easier to relate and feel comfortable with each other, bonding happens faster outdoors, which drives a rich learning experience that is inspiring, memorable and hence sustainable. The brain loves to be stroked through the different senses – hence the walking, eating and laughing, sometimes even some tears, screaming or hugging. We’ll embrace any pent up emotions in a way that does the team good. It’s a tonic for the soul with me as your qualified business coach International Coaching Federation (sometimes I’ll pivot into German as necessary)

Adding some light activity is a technique that has been used by famous leaders, including Steve Jobs for example to have inspiring, open conversations whilst walking.

Let’s create a safe space to have deeper business conversations than you would typically have at work. Outdoors we can create a level playing field (Augenhöhe) to drive performance having established a real connection to each other.

I am experienced in international team building and familiar with agile methodologies, ceremonies and challenges.


Pimp my English - Coaching & Cocktail to go

Why is it so much easier to speak English after a couple of drinks?

It’s all about being relaxed and less to do with the alcohol as a rule but hey, let’s enjoy a cocktail together.

We’ll chat in English and I’ll give you some tips and tricks or help you with words that you cannot find.

As the Germans say
Zuerst die Arbeit, dann das Vergnügen?

EARN YOUR COCKTAIL. We’ll walk and talk for an hour, then I’ll treat you to a refreshing cocktail. (Or Mocktail if you prefer)

If you’re looking for an enjoyable way to practice your English – perhaps for a conference or special work event, then this is it.

Or Gluhwein/Kinderpunsch if it’s colder.


Find out more about how ‘languagenergy‘ my unique blended learning approach works in practice.

English for Foodies

To really connect with someone, whether it is a hot date, family get together or a client meeting, what do you do?
You meet and eat.

Food and friendship go hand in hand, and business relationships, particularly with clients or suppliers can be nurtured this way.

Eating together is a great way to have longer, meaningful conversations and a great way to establish or build a relationship. That includes some small talk, a skill which can feel intimidating in English, but like anything, it gets easier with practice.

We start with a lighthearted word game to get you thinking in English and I provide the impulse to chat and network through thought provoking business conversation cards to get you thinking and speaking in English in between courses.

You will soon gain the confidence to speak up more. I’ll be there to help you find the right words and some personal feedback.

These “English For Foodies” place mats are for notes, which you can of course take with you. I’ll take snap shots of each and send you some follow up tasks, quizzes or games to help you remember what you learned.

This is a thoroughly enjoyable way to focus on your career, through business conversation in English over lunch or dinner. It’s also practical. We all need to eat, right?

The English Speaking Experts meet at different restaurants and cafes in Berlin or Potsdam, supporting our local businesses.

Make any notes on your place mat