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Online 25th January

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Fabulous Females WEBINAR
The Persuasion Skills to secure your Sizzling Support System


BERLIN: Back to Business, Baby
Join our meetup for some fresh air career conversation topics

Back to Business, Baby!

The career development community for working mothers who are determined to keep their career on track and raise a close family.

In English

Scroll down for German

Welcoming Working Mums
Experienced Working Mums

Female professionals in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) often feel intimidated about going back to work after maternity leave. When part time is not an option, these mums run the real risk of burnout.

Rather than being forced to turn their back on an industry that they love, I believe that these brilliant women deserve the opportunity to keep their career on track by learning and practicing career critical competencies, tools and techniques during their career break. They come back to work ready to take their career to the next level as well as being a great mum.

The reputation that they worked so hard for is the basis on which you can build on, in fact you’ll go back with even more professionalism and confidence than before because you’ll also be more resilient, a better time manager and a master of motivation.

This leadership training course is designed specifically for women on maternity leave, so flexibility is the key. To make the learning stick, first we meet online to learn and discuss the skills and then you meet outdoors to practice in person.

If you are based in a city where there is a B2BB local leadership coach you’ll get face to face feedback and practical industry relevant tips.

The babies are gently rocked to sleep in the fresh air in their pram or sling as you connect, practice and share your know how with other career minded women. They’ll grow up with you as their role model, strong, connected and successful.

Starting a family is the start of a new era in your career

Modern women like us want it all, right?

We hate compromise, so we want to juggle the responsibilities both at home and at work. It’s totally possible but takes intentional communication, systems that sizzle and some guidance.

Together with other women, both in person, with your baby and online. This doesn’t have to be exhausting, you can still be a great Mum and a smart professional.

You’ll be with other professional mothers who you can relate to, they understand your frustrations, your excitement about getting back into work and will be the first to celebrate about your opportunities too.

You’re determined to keep your career on track for:

– a rewarding, international career
– your financial independence and
– your children. They deserve a wonderful role model.

If you are a professional woman who needs more than just a family to be happy and fulfilled.  This is for you.

You stay tech savvy, up to date on your industry and interculturally aware too because you will be working in international groups – making it easy to go back to English speaking meetings at work.

Your babies will have grown up listening to English too.

This is your opportunity to become more fluent, knowledgeable, connected and confident. Let’s plan together – in English – so that coming back will be

as smooth as your baby’s bottom 😉

Eine Familie zu gründen ist die natürlichste Sache der Welt, und moderne Frauen wollen alles haben, oder? Wir sind kompromissbereit und wollen die Aufgaben zu Hause und im Beruf unter einen Hut bringen. Das ist durchaus möglich, erfordert aber Übung und eine gewisse Anleitung, zusammen mit anderen Frauen, sowohl persönlich, beim Schieben des Kinderwagens als auch online. Das muss nicht anstrengend sein, Sie können trotzdem eine tolle Mutter sein.

Sie haben die Möglichkeit, offen und ehrlich über Ihre Sorgen, Fortschritte und skurrilen Momente als Mutter zu sprechen. Sie sind mit anderen (werdenden) Müttern zusammen, die Ihre Frustrationen nachvollziehen können und sich ebenfalls für Ihre Möglichkeiten begeistern.

Sie arbeiten an Ihrer Karriere für sich selbst, für Ihre finanzielle Unabhängigkeit und um Ihren Kindern ein großartiges Vorbild zu sein. Dieses Gruppen-Coaching-Modell ist für (insgeheim) ehrgeizige Frauen, die in internationalen Teams, in denen Sie zunehmend auf Englisch arbeiten, beruflich etwas bewegen wollen.

Viele Frauen kehren an ihren Arbeitsplatz zurück und stellen fest, dass sie in englischen Meetings hoffnungslos überfordert sind. Lassen Sie uns diese Sprachgewandtheit und dieses Selbstvertrauen nicht verlieren. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam planen – auf Englisch -, damit die Rückkehr

so glatt wie ein Babypopo 😉

Get prepared - logistically & emotionally - in English

BERLIN - Back to Business, Baby Meetup

You go out for regular walks with your pram/stroller/buggy or sling regularly anyway so let’s do something for YOU and your career.

Other working mums join me to walk and talk about our careers. Be inspired by other working mums with every intention of driving their career and managing family life without feeling frazzled. Together this is a less stressful and supportive transition.

Gradually we’ll get ready for a stress free morning routine by meeting earlier as you settle into a routine that works for work. (10am > 9am > 8am)

Family Focus

Defining new roles, priorities and schedules is challenging for any family but if the Mum also has career goals that tends to be magnified.

Lets talk about your support network and the logistics around juggling your career and a family but let’s also be honest about Mum shaming and our children’s anxiety.

Career Communication

Before you had a family making yourself heard was hard enough, especially if you are in a male dominated industry. Now you need to learn that fine line between assertiveness and approachability.

Let’s talk about setting and communicating boundaries and ensure that your expertise and commitment are never questioned.

Keep in Touch

Each week you will get one business conversation topic to discuss and one communication skill to practice via WhatsApp.

Keep your Business brain ticking over in English in 3-5 minute bite sized activities designed specifically for busy Mums on the go.

As well as games, puzzles, how to videos, articles to read etc, as proud Mums there will also be photo challenges, baby food bake offs and shopping trips for those back to work outfits. Your body might have changed but you can still go back looking and feeling great.

Back to Business, baby!
Monthly Dinners

Create some ‘me time’ with other fun mums who are as determined as you to create that work life balance that seems so tough at times.

Let’s wine/juice and dine and enjoy hearing about each other’s success stories, workarounds and opportunities.

This is great for practicing small talk but there will also be a communication game and a conversational communication challenge to practice in pairs or small groups. A great excuse to get dressed up and put on some lipstick too.

Optional – Everyone pays for themselves, keep it simple.

Why Back to Business Baby Makes Sense.

In an era when finding and keeping great talent is challenging, it makes good business sense to make sure that existing staff on maternity leave come back to your organisation and not someone elses.

Employers often feel uncomfortable about reaching out to mothers on maternity leave, politically that can be tricky, right? But what if you could offer these experienced members of your organisation an educational networking opportunity that helps them to come back to work feeling self assured, up to date with their industry and confident speaking English?

As a Mum myself I have had to navigate the juggling act of work and family and as a communication expert, I can provide these valued employees with the skills, practice and confidence to hit the ground running as a new Mum still worthy of recognition and opportunities in their career

In einer Zeit, in der es schwierig ist, großartige Talente zu finden und zu halten, ist es wirtschaftlich sinnvoll, dafür zu sorgen, dass Mitarbeiter, die sich im Mutterschaftsurlaub befinden, zu Ihrem Unternehmen zurückkehren und nicht zu einem anderen.

Arbeitgeber fühlen sich oft unwohl, wenn es darum geht, Mütter im Mutterschaftsurlaub anzusprechen, denn das kann politisch heikel sein, oder? Aber wie wäre es, wenn Sie diesen erfahrenen Mitgliedern Ihres Unternehmens eine Gelegenheit zur Bildung von Netzwerken bieten könnten, die ihnen hilft, selbstbewusst an ihren Arbeitsplatz zurückzukehren, in ihrer Branche auf dem neuesten Stand zu sein und selbstbewusst Englisch zu sprechen?

Als Mutter musste ich selbst den Spagat zwischen Beruf und Familie meistern, und als Kommunikationsexpertin kann ich diesen geschätzten Mitarbeitern die Fähigkeiten, die Praxis und das Selbstvertrauen vermitteln, damit sie als frischgebackene Mütter wieder voll durchstarten können und trotzdem Anerkennung und Chancen in ihrer Karriere erhalten.

How long?

Join a community of like-minded Mums who are career minded but enjoying being mom. For new parents every day life can zap our self confidence. Business routines become a distant memory and we ask ourselves if we are still good enough to be as professional as we used to be.

You decide whether to join our community on a monthly or yearly basis.

If you are serious about your career and would love to see yourself as a board member in the future or you have had more than 6 years out of work, then sign up for 12 months.

We’ll discuss the topics that serious business women need to know to be adored both at home and at work.


Dieses Programm ist nicht als einmaliger Kurs gedacht, sondern soll eine Gemeinschaft gleichgesinnter Mütter schaffen, die karriereorientiert sind, sich aber ihrer neuen Rolle als Mutter bewusst sind. Frauen können ihr Selbstvertrauen verlieren, und Dinge wie das Sprechen auf Englisch haben einfach keine Priorität, wenn man sich um ein neues Kind kümmern muss. In drei oder sechs Monaten können Sie – auf Englisch – in einem geschützten Rahmen darüber sprechen, was Ihnen als zukünftige berufstätige Mutter wichtig ist.


The right approach for each type of Mum

Nobody really knows what kind of child they will have or what kind of Mum they will become, there is no right or wrong. I have an online and offline option so that mums can choose the right approach for them. Just like parenthood this should be flexible, so if you want to offer your staff the opportunity to toggle between online and offline, let’s talk about that.

Start at any time.

Join with a buddy for a pampering bonus that will be sent to both of you at your home (EU only).

Maximum of 100 online members worldwide

7 day TRIAL

Find out if we are a good fit for you
39 per person
  • Module 1
  • Live Q&A
    with recording
  • Back to Business Baby Workbook (Module 1)

Back to Business Baby

139 per month
  • Weekly Communication Topic & Practical Challenge with personal feedback
  • Weekly Q&As with experts from all over the world
  • Back to Business Baby Workbook (Interactive & Print)
  • Inspiring Community of International Career Women

Back to Business Baby

119 per month
  • Weekly Communication Topic & Practical Challenges with feedback
  • Monthly Q&As with experts from all over the wrold
  • Back to Business Baby Workbook (Interactive & Print)
  • Inspiring Community of International Career Women
  • 6 hours of personal career and communication coaching
  • 1 year FREE Membership of the Experts Speak English Club launching in June 2023

Returning Mums and their baby are gradually getting ready to get "Back to Business, Baby!"

No need to compromise.

Your staff can – with time, kindness and consideration – get smarter about juggling their family and career responsibilities IN ENGLISH. As their family becomes more independent, the business landscape becoming is getting more and more international and remote. Let’s make sure that they feel not just ready, but confident enough to get the recognition and opportunites that they deserve – possibly enabling a pipeline of future advocates of your organisation and possibly even board members.

Make diversity happen.


Mums want to know...

POWER OF THE CROWD – We co-create a workbook that can be used as a reference guide for later or next time around.

When/How will I tell my boss that I am pregnant?
How do I make sure that I get my own job back or at least a team to retain my leadership status?
What can I say if late afternoon meetings are putting me under pressure regarding childcare?
How can I establish and communicate my boundaries?
How do I get my husband to do more at home or with the children?
What’s the legal situation if …?
What are the (long term) financial disadvantages of going back to work part time? (pension/Rente)

British Idiom “A problem shared is a problem halved”.
I often invite experts to join us, so if I don’t know, I’ll find a (wo)man that can.


Neurolinguistically speaking it makes more sense to meet in different places each time.

So let’s explore!

Cities like Berlin have plenty of pram friendly parks and woods.

Each route is carefully selected to accommodate drivers, bikers and those on public transport.

Each route starts in a lovely family-friendly cafe (practical in case it rains). Every cafe has a clean and pleasant changing area so you can come back again with your family at the weekend sometime.

I’ll have my hands free to carry a baby – Yeah! – or push a pram in case your little bundle of joy is having a moment, no stress, zero judgement!

I’ll keep you thinking in English between the sessions with communication challenges via Slack.

Where do we meet?

Pram or sling, that is up to each Mum!

British English

You might well have noticed that I refer to Mother as mum sometimes, that is because I am British. No doubt we have parents on the course that refer to themselves as Mom, that's absolutely fine, in fact that is great. Diversity is what will make this great, no doubt we will discover many more alternatives-
All are welcome