Questions?    Just call me, Corinne (English/German) on  +49 173 1688006    ***  Virtual Tea Break ***  “Very British”


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#178 Getting Back to your STEM Career: Communication Strategies for Professional Mothers

Giving something back to society through CSR campaigns

Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR can boost your employer brand, encouraging your experts to make that arduous time consuming commute into the office or indeed another location. Being together though is the name of the game – not just for the sake of it, or for controlling purposes but a common goal. That’s also a great way to watch your top talent in action on various Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives whilst building a stronger employer brand.

#177 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to Boost Your Employer Brand

Giving something back to society through CSR campaigns

Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR can boost your employer brand, encouraging your experts to make that arduous time consuming commute into the office or indeed another location. Being together though is the name of the game – not just for the sake of it, or for controlling purposes but a common goal. That’s also a great way to watch your top talent in action on various Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives whilst building a stronger employer brand.

#176 Your Summer Party Opportunity To Connect At Work

Experts Speak English PODCAST 9 Change Management Communication Pitfalls to Avoid & A Resilience Tip #172 Change Management Communication:  No matter what changes, there is resistance, isn’t there. Yet for employers to remain competitive, change is inevitable. If you are serious about your career, you need to be able to adapt quickly – not just […]

#175 Pronunciation Tips, Trips & A Free Webinar

Experts Speak English PODCAST 9 Change Management Communication Pitfalls to Avoid & A Resilience Tip #172 Change Management Communication:  No matter what changes, there is resistance, isn’t there. Yet for employers to remain competitive, change is inevitable. If you are serious about your career, you need to be able to adapt quickly – not just […]

#174 International Keynote Speaker: Insights for English Speaking Experts

Experts Speak English PODCAST 9 Change Management Communication Pitfalls to Avoid & A Resilience Tip #172 Change Management Communication:  No matter what changes, there is resistance, isn’t there. Yet for employers to remain competitive, change is inevitable. If you are serious about your career, you need to be able to adapt quickly – not just […]

#173 Preparing For An International Conference As A Non-native Speaking Participant.

Experts Speak English PODCAST 9 Change Management Communication Pitfalls to Avoid & A Resilience Tip #172 Change Management Communication:  No matter what changes, there is resistance, isn’t there. Yet for employers to remain competitive, change is inevitable. If you are serious about your career, you need to be able to adapt quickly – not just […]

#172 9 Change Management Communication Pitfalls to Avoid & A Resilience Tip

Experts Speak English PODCAST 9 Change Management Communication Pitfalls to Avoid & A Resilience Tip #172 Change Management Communication:  No matter what changes, there is resistance, isn’t there. Yet for employers to remain competitive, change is inevitable. If you are serious about your career, you need to be able to adapt quickly – not just […]

#171 Quiet Quitting (V2): Cracking the Code: Unveiling Quiet Quitting

Experts Speak English PODCAST Cracking the Code: Unveiling Quiet Quitting (Correct Version – sorry!!!!) Quiet Quitting: Explore the subtle dynamics of quiet quitting in the workplace in our latest episode, ‘Cracking the Code: Unveiling Quiet Quitting.’ Discover actionable insights for fostering healthier work-life balance and prioritizing well-being.  Corinne Wilhelm – Experts Speak English Podcast host. […]

#170 Navigating Corporate Communication: Unveiling Insights for Career Growth

Experts! Speak English PODCAST Navigating Corporate Communication: Unveiling Insights for Career Growth As you know I’m a bit of a  corporate communication nerd and through my communication coaching, I love helping feisty women and smart but slightly ignored guys wanting to focus on leadership communication to finally take control of their career. CORPORATE COMMUNICATION can […]

Inclusive Onboarding – Experts! Speak English! Podcast #169

Experts! Speak English PODCAST Onboarding a Diverse & Inclusive Team Coco’s Communication Challenge Think carefully about the communication styles, language and behaviours that you use to onboard new employees Let’s work on it TOGETHER Diversity & Inclusion Flower Activity The idea of this activity is a fun way to encourage creative ideas amongst employees, in […]